Kamus Matematika : Z

Z-AXIS = sumbu-z
Z-INTERCEPT = perpotongan dengan sumbu-z
ZERO = nol

Kamus Matematika : Y

Y-AXIS = sumbu-y
Y-INTERCEPT = perpotongan dengan sumbu-y

Kamus Matematika : X

X-AXIS = sumbu-x
X-INTERCEPT = perpotongan dengan sumbu-x

Kamus Matematika : W

WAVE = gelombang
WAVE EQUATION = persamaan gelombang
WEAK CONVERGENCE = konvergen lemah
WEIGHT = berat
WEIGHT FUNCTION = fungsi pembobot
WELL-DEFINED = terdefinisi dengan baik
WHEEL = roda
WHOLE NUMBER = bilangan bulat

Kamus Matematika : V

VALUE = nilai
VARIANCE = variansi
VECTOR = vektor
VENN DIAGRAM = diagram venn
VERTEX ANGLE = titik sudut
VERTICAL = vertikal
VISIBLE POINT = titik layak (memenuhi syarat)
VOLUME = volume

Kamus Matematika : U

UNBIASED = takbias
UNCOUNTABLE SET = himpunan tak terbilang
UNCOUNTABLY INFINITE SET = himpunan takberhingga tak terbilang
UNION = gabungan
UNIQUE = tunggal
UNIT = satuan
UNIT CIRCLE = linkaran satuan
UNIT DISK = daerah lingkaran satuan
UNIT FRACTION = pecahan satuan
UNIT SPHERE = bola satuan
UNIT VECTOR = vektor satuan
UPPER BOUND = batas atas

Kamus Matematika : T

TANGENT = singgung
TANGENT LINE = garis singgung
TANGENT PLANE = bidang singgung
TAUTOLOGY = tautologi
TESSELLATION = pengubinan
TETRADECAGON = segi-14 beraturan
TETRAGON = segi-4 beraturan
TETRAHEDRON = bidang empat
THEOREM = teorema
TORUS = torus
TRANSFORM = pentransformasi
TRANSFORMATION = transformasi
TRANSITIVE = transitif
TRANSPOSE = transpos
TRIANGLE = segitiga
TRIANGLE CENTER = pusat segitiga
TRIGONOMETRY = trigonometri
TRUE = benar
TRUNCATED CONE = kerucut terpancung
TRUNCATED CUBE = kubus terpancung
TRUTH TABLE = tabel kebenaran

Kamus Matematika : S

SADDLE POINT = titik pelana
SCALAR = skalar
SCALE = skala
SCALE FACTOR = faktor skala
SCHEME = skema
SECANT LINE = garis potong (kurva)
SECOND = detik
SECTOR = juring
SEGMENT = ruas garis
SEMICIRCLE = setengah lingkaran
SEQUENCE = barisan
SERIES = deret
SET = himpunan
SET THEORY = teori himpunan
SIDE = sisi
SIGN = tanda
SIMILAR = serupa
SIMILARITY AXIS = sumbu keserupaan
SINE = sinus
SINES LAW = aturan sinus
SKEW CONIC = kerucut miring
SLOPE = kemiringan (kurva)
SOLID = ruang (dimensi-3)
SOLID GEOMETRY = geometri ruang
SPHERE = bola
SQUARE = kuadrat, persegi
SQUARE ROOT = akar pangkat 2
STAR = bintang
STATISTICS = statistika
STRAIGHT ANGLE = sudut lurus (180 derajat)
STRAIGHT LINE = garis lurus
SUBSEQUENCE = subbarisan
SUBSET = himpunan bagian
SUBSPACE =subruang
SUBTRACTION = pengurangan
SUM = jumlahan
SUM RULE = aturan jumlahan
SUMMAND = yang dijumlahkan
SURFACE = permukaan
SURFACE AREA = luas permukaan
SURFACE INTEGRAL = integral permukaan
SURJECTIVE = surjektif
SYMBOLIC LOGIC = logika simbolis
SYMMETRIC = simetris

Kamus Matematika : R

RADIAN = radian
RADICAL = tanda akar
RADIUS = jari-jari
RADIUS OF CONVERGENCE = jari-jari kekonvergenan
RADIX = basis bilangan
RANGE (IMAGE) = daerah hasil
RANK = peringkat
RATIO = rasio
RATIO TEST = ujio rasio
RATIONAL NUMBER = bilangan rasional
RAY = sinar
REAL ANALYSIS = analisis real
REAL PART = bagian real
RECTANGLE = persegipanjang
RECURSION = rekursi
RECURSIVE FUNCTION = fungsi rekursif
REFLECTION = pencerminan
REGION = daerah (asal)
REGRESSION = regresi
REGULAR POLYGON = segibanyak beraturan
REGULAR POLYHEDRON = bidangbanyak beraturan
RESIDUE THEOREM = teorema sisa
RHOMBUS = belahketupat
RIGHT ANGLE = segitiga siku-siku
RIGHT LINE = garis lurus
ROOT = akar
ROTATION = rotasi
RULE = aturan
RULER = mistar

Kamus Matematika : Q

QUADRANT = kuadran
QUADRATIC CURVE = kurva kuadratis
QUADRATIC EQUATION = persamaan kuadrat
QUARTER = kuarter
QUARTILE = kuartet
QUARTILE DEVIATION = simpangan kuartil
QUEUE = antrian
QUEUING THEORY = teori antrian
QUOTIENT = bentuk pecahan

Kamus Matematika : P

PAIR = pasangan
PANTOGRAPH = pantograf
PARABOLA = parabola
PARABOLIC COORDINATES = koordinat parabolis
PARABOLOID = paraboloida
PARALLEL = sejajar
PARALLELOGRAM = jajargenjang
PARAMETER = parameter
PARTIAL DERIVATIVE = turunan parsial
PARTITION = partisi
PATH = lintasan
PATH INTEGRAL = integral lintasan
PENCIL = berkas (garis)
PENTAGON = segilima beraturan
PERCENT = persen
PERFECT NUMBER = bilangan sempurna
PERIMETER = keliling
PERIODIC FUNCTION = fungsi periodik
PERMIL = permil
PERMUTATION = permutasi
PERPENDICULAR = tegaklurus
PERPENDICULAR BISECTOR = garisbagi tegaklurus
PERSPECTIVE = perspektif
PERSPECTIVE AXIS = sumbu perspektif
PHASE = fase
PI = pi
PLACE = tempat (desimal)
PLANE = bidang
PLANE GEOMETRY = geometri bidang
PLUS = tambah
PLUS OR MINUS = kurang lebih
POINT = titik
POLAR COORDINATES = koordinat kutub
POLYGON = segibanyak
POLYGRAM = bintangbanyak
POLYHEDRON = bidangbanyak
POLYNOMIAL = sukubanyak
POSITION VECTOR = vektor posisi
POSITIVE = positif
POSITIVE INTEGER = bulat positif
POSTULATE =postulat
POWER = pangkat
PREDICATE = predikat
PREDICATE CALCULUS = kalkulus predikat
PRIME = prima
PRIME FACTORIZATION = faktorisasi prima
PRISM = prisma
PROBLEM = masalah
PROCEDURE = prosedur
PRODUCT = hasilkali
PROJECTION = proyeksi
PROOF = bukti
PROPORTIONAL = proporsional
PROPOSITION = proposisi
PUZZLE = teka-teki
PYRAMID = limas
PYTHAGORAS'S THEOREM = teorema pythagoras
PYTHAGOREAN TRIPLE = tripel pythagoras

Kamus Matematika : Melafalkan


83 + 47 = 130 (Eighty-three plus forty-seven equals one hundred thirty)

193 - 76 = 117 (One hundred ninety-three minus seventy-six equals one hundred seventeen.)

593 x 127 = 75,311 (Five hundred ninety-three times one hundred twentyseven
equals seventy-five thousand three hundred eleven.)


1/2 one-half
1/3 one-third
2/3 two-thirds
1/4 one-fourth
4/5 four-fifths
5/6 five-sixths
2/7 two-sevenths
7/8 seven-eighths
5/9 five-ninths
9/10 nine-tenths
7/11 seven-elevenths
5/12 five-twelfths


12.3 (twelve and three tenths)
0.1 (one tenth)
0.01 (one hundredth)
0.001 (one thousandth)
0.0001 (one ten thousandth)
0.00001 (one hundred thousandth)
0.000001 (one millionth)

Kamus Matematika : O

OBELUS = tanda bagi
OBJECT = obyek
OBLIQUE ANGLE = sudut taksiku-siku
OBTUSE ANGLE = sudut tumpul
OBTUSE TRIANGLE = segitiga tumpul
OCTACONTAGON = segi-80 beraturan
OCTADECAGON = segi-18 beraturan
OCTAGON = segi-8 beraturan
OCTAGRAM = bintang depalapan
OCTAHEDRON = bidang delapan
OCTAL = bilangan basis-8
OCTANT = ruang koordinat ruang
ODD FUNCTION = fungsi ganjil
ODD NUMBER = bilangan ganjil
OGIVE = ogif
ONE = satu
ONE-TO-ONE = satu-satu (injektif)
ONE-WAY FUNCTION = fungsi searah
ONTO = pada (surjektif)
OPEN DISK = daerah lingkaran terbuka
OPEN INTERVAL = interval terbuka
OPEN SET = himpunan terbuka
OPERAND = yang dioperasikan
OPERATOR = operator (pengoperasi)
OPTIMIZATION THEORY = teori optimisasi
OR = atau
ORDER = derajat (sukubanyak)
ORDERED GEOMETRY = geometri terurut
ORDERED PAIR = pasangan terurut
ORDERING = urutan
ORDINAL NUMBER = bilangan urutan
ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION = persamaan differensial biasa
ORDINATE = ordinat
ORIGAMI = ilmu melipat kertas
ORIGIN = titik asal
OUTER PRODUCT = perkalian luar

Kamus Matematika : N

NATURAL NUMBER = bilangan asli
NEGATION = negasi (ingkaran)
NEGATIVE = negatif
NET = jaring-jaring
NETWORK = jaringan
NONNEGATIVE = taknegatif
NONNEGATIVE INTEGER = bulat taknegatif
NONPOSITIVE = nonpositif
NOTATION = notasi
NUMBER = bilangan
NUMBER SYSTEM = sistem bilangan
NUMBER THEORY = teori bilangan
NUMERATOR = pembilang
NUMERICAL DERIVATIVE = turunan numerik
NUMERICAL INTEGRATION = integrasi numerik

Kamus Matematika : M

MAP = peta
MAPPING = pemetaan
MATCH PROBLEM = masalah pencocokan
MATHEMATICAL INDUCTION = induksi matematis
MATHEMATICS = matematika
MATRIX = matriks
MATRIX ADDITION = penjumlahan matriks
MATRIX EQUALITY = kesamaan matriks
MATRIX EQUATION = persamaan matriks
MATRIX MULTIPLICATION = perkalian matriks
MAXIMUM = maksimum
METHOD = metode
METRIC = metriks
MIDCIRCLE = lingkaran tengah
MIDPOINT = titik tengah
MINIMUM = minimum
MINUS = kurang
MINUS OR PLUS = kurang lebih
MINUTE = menit
MODULO = modulo (bilangan jam)
MONOTONE = monoton (tetap)
MULTIPLE INTEGRAL = integral ganda
MULTIPLIER = pengganda

Kamus Matematika : L

LAW OF COSINES = aturan cosinus
LAW OF SINES = aturan sinus
LEAST COMMON MULTIPLE = kelipatan persekutuan terkecil
LEAST UPPER BOUND = batas atas terkecil
LEMMA = teorema kecil (antara)
LENGTH = panjang
LIMIT = limit
LIMIT POINT = titik limit
LINE = garis
LINE BISECTOR = garis bagi ruas garis
LINE SEGMENT = ruas garis
LINEAR ALGEBRA = aljabar linear
LINEAR PROGRAMMING = program linear
LINEAR TRANSFORMATION = transformasi linear
LIST = daftar
LOCAL EXTREMUM = ekstrim lokal
LOCAL MAXIMUM = maksimum lokal
LOCAL MINIMUM = minimum lokal
LOCUS = titik tempat kedudukan
LOGARITHM = logaritma
LOGIC = logika
LONG DIVISION = pembagian bersusun
LOWER BOUND = batas bawah

Kamus Matematika : K

KITE = layang-layang

Kamus Matematika : Segibanyak beraturan

n : Nama

2 : Digon
3 : Equilateral Triangle (Trigon)
4 : Square (Quadrilateral, Tetragon)
5 : Pentagon
6 : Hexagon
7 : Heptagon
8 : Octagon
9 : Nonagon (Enneagon)
10 : Decagon
11 : Undecagon (Hendecagon)
12 : Dodecagon
13 : Tridecagon (Triskaidecagon)
14 : Tetradecagon (Tetrakaidecagon)
15 : Pentadecagon (Pentakaidecagon)
16 : Hexadecagon (Hexakaidecagon)
17 : Heptadecagon (Heptakaidecagon)
18 : Octadecagon (Octakaidecagon)
19 : Enneadecagon (Enneakaidecagon)
20 : Icosagon
30 :Triacontagon
40 : Tetracontagon
50 : Pentacontagon
60 : Hexacontagon
70 : Heptacontagon
80 : Octacontagon
90 : Enneacontagon
100 : Hectogon
10000 : Myriagon

Kamus Matematika : J

JACOBI ALGORITHM = algoritma Jacobi
JACOBI MATRIX = Matriks Jacobi
JACOBI METHOD = Metode Jacobi
JACOBI POLYNOMIAL = Psukubanyak Jacobi
JORDAN DECOMPOSITION THEOREM = teorema dekomposisi Jordan
JULIA SET = himpunan julia
JUMP = titik diskontinu
JUST IF = tepat (hanya) jika
JUST ONE = tepat satu

Kamus Matematika : I

ICOSAGON = segi-20 beraturan
IDEMPOTENT = idempoten
IDENTITY = identitas
IMAGE = bayangan
IMAGINARY NUMBER = bilangan imajiner
IMPLICIT FUNCTION = fungsi implicit
IMPLIES = berakibat (maka)
IMPROPER INTEGRAL = integral semu (takhingga)
INDUCTION = induksi
INDUCTION PRINCIPLE = prinsip induksi
INEQUALITY = ketaksamaan
INFINITE = takhingga
INFINITY = ketakhingaan
INFLECTION POINT = titik belok
INJECTION = injeksi
INJECTIVE = injektif
INTEREST = bunga
INTEGER = bulat
INTEGRABLE = dapat diintegralkan
INTEGRAL = integral
INTEGRAND = yang diintegralkan
INTERIOR = bagian dalam
INTERIOR ANGLE BISECTOR = garis bagi sudut dalam
INTERMEDIATE VALUE THEOREM = teorema nilai tengah
INTERPOLATION = interpolasi
INTERSECTION = perpotongan
INTERVAL = interval
INVERSE MATRIX = Matriks invers
ISOMETRY = isometri
ISOSCELES = samakaki
ISOSCELES TRIANGLE = segitiga samakaki

Kamus Matematika : H

HALF = setengah
HALF-CLOSED INTERVAL = interval setengah tertutup
HECTOGON = segi-100 beraturan
HEIGHT = tinggi
HELIX = spiral
HEMISPHERE = setengah bola
HEXADECAGON = segi-16 beraturan
HEXADECIMAL = basis-16
HORNER'S METHOD = Metode Horner
HORNER'S RULE = Aturan Horner
HYPERBOLA = hiperbola
HYPOTENUSE = sisi miring
HYPOTHESIS = hipotesis

Kamus Matematika : G

GEOMETRIC CONSTRUCTION = melukis bangun geometri (dengan mistar dan jangka)
GEOMETRIC SEQUENCE = barisan geometrik
GEOMETRIC SERIES = deret geometrik
GEOMETRY = geometri
GRADIENT = gradien
GREATER THAN = lebih besar
GREATEST COMMON DIVISOR = faktor persekutuan terbesar
GREATEST LOWER BOUND = batas bawah terbesar
GREATEST PRIME FACTOR = faktor prima terbesar

Kamus Matematika : F

FACE = sisi (bangun ruang)
FACTOR = faktor
FACTORIAL = faktorial
FACTORIZATION = faktorisasi
FALLACY = sesat
FALSE = salah
FIBONACCI SEQUENCE = barisan fibonacci
FIGURES = gambar
FINITE = berhingga
FIRST DERIVATIVE TEST = uji turunan pertama
FIXED = tetap
FIXED ELEMENT = elemen tetap
FOCUS = fokus
FOOT = kaki
FOR ALL = untuk semua
FRACTION = pecahan
FREE VARIABLE = variabel bebas
FUNCTION = fungsi

Kamus Matematika : E

ECCENTRIC ANGLE = sudut pusat ellips
ECCENTRICITY = eksentrisitas
EDGE = sisi (rusuk)
ELEMENT = anggota
ELEMENTARY FUNCTION = fungsi elementer
ELLIPSE = ellips
ELLIPSOID = ellipsoida
ELLIPTIC CONE = kerucut elliptik
EMPTY SET = himpunan kosong
EQUAL = sama
EQUALITY = kesamaam
EQUATIONS = persamaan
ERROR = kesalahan
ESTIMATE = menduga (memperkirakan)
ESTIMATOR = penduga
EVEN NUMBER = bilangan genap
EXISTENCE = eksistensi
EXISTS = ada
EXPANSION = ekspansi (uraian)
EXPONENT = eksponen
EXPONENT LAWS = hukum eksponen

Kamus Matematika : D

DECAGON = segi-sepuluh beraturan
DECIMAL = desimal
DEFINITE INTEGRAL = integral terbatas
DEGREE = derajat
DENOMINATOR = penyebut
DERIVATIVE = turunan
DERIVATIVE TEST = uji turunan
DETERMINANT = determinan
DEVIATION = simpangan
DIAGONAL = diagonal
DIAGRAM = diagram
DIAMETER = garis tengah
DICE = dadu
DIFFERENCE = selisih
DIFFERENCE SET = himpunan selisih
DIFFERENTIABLE = mempunyai tutunan
DILATION = dilatasi
DIMENSION = dimensi
DIRECTED ANGLE = sudut berarah
DIRECTRIX = garis arah
DISC = daerah lingkaran
DISCONNECTIVITY = ketakterhubungan
DISCONTINUITY = ketakkontinuan
DISCONTINUOUS = takkontinu
DISCRETE SET = himpunan diskrit
DISCRIMINANT = diskriminan
DISJUNCTION = disjungsi
DISK = daerah lingkaran
DISTANCE = jarak
DISTRIBUTION = distribusi
DISTRIBUTIVE = distributif
DIVIDE = membagi
DIVISIBILITY TESTS = uji keterbagian
DIVISIBLE = dapat dibagi
DIVISION = pembagian
DIVISOR = pembagi
DODECAGON = segiduabelas beraturan
DODECAGRAM = bintang duabelas
DODECAHEDRON = bidang duabelas beraturan
DOMAIN = daerah asal
DOT = titik
DOT PRODUCT = hasilkali titik
DOZEN = lusin (duabelas)

Artikel : Mathematics and Attitude

Para pengunjung, dan khususnya Ibu Tina di Pascasarjana Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Negeri Semarang, yang sedang mencari artikel dengan topik ini. Ada beberapa artikel (yang bisa saya bantu mendapatkan) dengan abstrak sbb:

Markku S. Hannula
University of Turku, Department of Teacher Education


This article will combine three different approaches used by the author before. One case study will be analysed from the point of view of different aspects of attitude influencing the student’s behaviour (Hannula 2002a; 2002c), and, at the same time, from the point of view of students’ goal regulation in the situation (Hannula, 2002b; In print). With fiction writing techniques, an effort is made to make it possible for the reader to immerse into the inner worlds of the students and into the feelings they experienced (Hannula,2003).

*Maria Nicolaidou and **George Philippou
*Post-graduate student, **Professor, University of Cyprus

The aim of this study was to explore relationships between students’ attitudes towards Mathematics, self-efficacy beliefs in problem-solving and achievement. The possibility of attitudes and selfefficacy to predict problem-solving performance was also examined. Attitude and efficacy scales were completed by 238 fifth-grade pupils. Problem-solving performance was measured by a specially prepared test, including simple and multi-step problems. The analysis of the data indicated significant relationship between attitudes and achievement and a stronger relationship between efficacy and achievement. Attitudes and efficacy were also correlated and both predicted achievement in problem-solving. However, efficacy was a more powerful predictor than attitudes. No gender difference was found in any of the examined variables.

Rosetta Zan – Pietro Di Martino
Dipartimento di Matematica, Pisa, ITALY

This communication suggests that one of the motives for the theoretical confusion found in the research on affect is the researchers’ lack of explicitnessregarding some undamental choices, both specific and epistemological: these choices are linked to the researcher’s values and beliefs. The case of research on attitude is presented as an example.

Kirsti Nordström, Ph.D. student
Department of Mathematics
University of Stockholm
About 100 university entrants responded to questions about proofs and proving. The part of the questionnaire, which deals with students’ attitudes, experiences and feelings, as well as their actual proving abilities, was analysed. Almost 50 percent of the students stated that they had had teachers who often proved statements but only about 30 percent of them said that they had had the possibility to exercise proving both orally and in writing. Students’ attitudes to proofs and the learning of proofs were very positive. However, caution must be exercised when interpreting these figures because of the dichotomous nature of the statements. We must also expect the students to be influenced by the mathematics setting in which the questions were
posed. The present survey is the first step of a deeper study to be developed concerning students’ culture of proof in school and in basic university courses in Sweden.

Sumber : European Research in Mathematics Education III

Patricia T. Eaton, Stranmillis University College, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Sonia Kidd, University of Ulster, Coleraine, Northern Ireland

Abstract. This paper reports the preliminary results of a survey examining students’ attitudes to mathematics at the beginning of their initial teacher training programmes. It compares the attitudes of those students in Northern Ireland taking a postgraduate course with those undertaking an undergraduate degree and particularly focuses on their views of their own competence and confidence in mathematics, and their perceptions of how those views have been informed. It also analyses the emotional response of the students to mathematics.

Pietro Di Martino, Università di Pisa
Maria Mellone, Università di Napoli

Abstract. According to modern trends of research in mathematics education, attitude towards mathematics is a very important construct to interpret students’ behaviour. In this paper we present a one-year experiment carried out in a 12th grade classroom in Naples (Italy) aimed at changing students’ attitude towards mathematics (the classroom was characterized by low interest in mathematics). We will describe the steps of the research experiment and then describe and comment upon the obtained results.

Maria Polo, Università di Cagliari, Italy
Rosetta Zan, Università di Pisa, Italy

Abstract: The paper illustrates the preliminary findings of an Italian Project about attitude. The Project, aimed at investigating the phenomenon of negative attitude toward mathematics, entails various activities, focussed on purely theoretical aspects, such as the very definition of the construct, or on investigations involving students, teachers, mathematicians. Here the findings of a study are presented, which investigates teachers’ use of the attitude construct in their practice. These findings suggest that most teachers refer to a multidimensional idea of attitude, not reducing attitude to a simple general emotional disposition toward mathematics, and that the teacher’s diagnosis of a student’s negative attitude is the final step of a process through which the teacher acknowledges the student’ failure, rather than the starting point for a focussed
didactical action.

Carmen Batanero, Universidad de Granada, Spain
Assumpta Estrada, Universidad de Lérida, Spain
Carmen Díaz, Universidad de Granada, Spain
Jose M. Fortuny, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain

Abstract: We analyse the main components of 367 future teachers’ attitudes towards statistics through their responses to the Survey of Attitudes Toward Statistics (SATS) scale. Analysis of components correlations and factor analysis serve to describe the relationships among main components of teachers’ attitudes and compare with previous research. Our results suggest that the four components (difficulty, value, affective and cognitive factors) described by the SATS authors might not appear clearly separated in future teachers. Relationships with other variable are also explored.

Sumber: European Research in Mathematics Education IV

CATATAN : Jika ada artikel yang anda minati dan ingin mendapatkan artikel lengkapnya, silakan email saya. Terimakasih dan salam.

Kamus Matematika : C

CALCULUS = kalkulus
CARDINAL NUMBER = bilangan kardinal
CARDINALITY = kardinalitas
CARTESIAN COORDINATES = koordinat kartesius
CARTESIAN PRODUCT = Hasilkali Kartesius
CENTER = pusat
CENTER OF GRAVITY = titik berat
CENTRAL ANGLE = sudut pusat
CHAIN = rantai
CHORD = tali busur
CIRCLE = lingkaran
CIRCUMCENTER = titik pusat lingkaran luar
CIRCUMCIRCLE = lingkaran luar
CIRCUMFERENCE = keliling lingkaran
CIRCUMSPHERE = bola luar
CLOSED FORM = bentuk tertutup
COEFFICIENT = koefisien
COLINEAR = segaris (terletak dalam satu garis)
COMBINATION = kombinasi
COMBINATORICS = kombinatorik
COMMUTATIVE = komutatif
COMPASS = jangka
COMPLEMENT SET = himpunan komplemen
COMPLETE = lengkap
COMPLEX = kompleks
COMPLEX NUMBER = bilangan kompleks
COMPOSITE NUMBER = bilangan komposit
COMPOUND INTEREST = bungan majemuk
CONCAVE = konkaf
CONCENTRIC = sepusat (titik pusat sama)
CONCENTRIC CIRCLES = lingakaran sepusat
CONE = kerucut
CONFOCAL CONICS = irisan kerucut yang se-titik-pusat
CONGRUENCE = kongruensi
CONGRUENT = kongruen
CONIC SECTION = irisan kerucut
CONJECTURE = konjektur
CONJUGATE = konjugat
CONJUGATION = konjugasi
CONJUNCTION = konjungsi
CONNECTED = terhubung
CONSTANT = kendala, batasan
CONSTRUCTION = konstruksi, melukis
CONTINUITY = kontinuitas
CONTINUOUS = kontinu
CONVERGENT = konvergen
CONVEX = konvek
COORDINATE SYSTEM = sistem koordinat
COORDINATES = koordinat
COPLANAR = sebidang (dalam bidang yang sama)
COROLLARY = teorema akibat
COSINE = cosinus
COSINES LAW = hukum cosinus
COUNT = membilang, menghitung
COUNTABLE SET = himpunan terbilang
COUNTING NUMBER = bilangan terbilang
CROSS = silang
CROSS PRODUCT = hasilkali silang
CUBE = kubus
CUBIC CURVE = kurva pangkat tiga
CURVE = kurva
CYCLE (CIRCLE) = sikel
CYCLIC GRAPH = grafik siklis
CYLINDER = tabung

Kamus Matematika : B

BALL = bola
BASE (LOGARITHM) = bilangan pokok
BASE (NUMBER) = basis
BIJECTION = bijeksi (korespondensi satu-satu)
BILLION = milayard
BINARY = biner
BINOMIAL = binomial
BISECTOR = garis bagi
BOUND = batas
BOUNDED = terbatas
BOX = balok
BRANCH = cabang

Kamus Matematika : A

ABACUS = sempoa
ABSCISSA = absis
ABSOLUTE = mutlak
ABSOLUTE VALUE = harga mutlak
ACUTE ANGLE = sudut lancip
ACUTE TRIANGLE = segitiga lancip
ADDITION = penjumlahan
ALGEBRA = aljabar
ALGORITHM = algoritma
ALTITUDE = garis tinggi
AMPLITUDE = amplitudo
ANALOGY = analogi
ANALYSIS = analisis
ANGLE = sudut
ANGLE BISECTOR = sudut bagi
ANTIDERIVATIVE = antiturunan (integral)
APOTHEM = apotema
ARC = busur
AREA = luas
ARITHMETIC = aritmatika
ARRAY = larik
ASSOCIATIVE = asosiatif
ASYMPTOTE = asimtot
ASYMPTOTIC =asimtotis
AVERAGE = rata-rata
AXIOM = aksioma
AXIS = sumbu koordinat

Medali Fields 1966

Penghargaan Medali Fields tahun 1966 diberikan kepada :

Michael Francis ATIYAH (Inggiris)
(Oxford University) -

Topik Penelitian: with Hirzebruch in K-theory; proved jointly with Singer the index theorem of elliptic operators on complex manifolds; worked in collaboration with Bott to prove a fixed point theorem related to the "Lefschetz formula".

Paul Joseph COHEN (Amerika Serikat)
(Stanford University) -

Topik Penelitian: Used technique called "forcing" to prove the independence in set theory of the axiom of choice and of the generalized continuum hypothesis. The latter problem was the first of Hilbert's problems of the 1900 Congress.

Alexander GROTHENDIECK (Perancis)
(University of Paris) -

Topik Penelitian: Built on work of Weil and Zariski and effected fundamental advances in algebraic geometry. He introduced the idea of K-theory (the Grothendieck groups and rings). Revolutionized homological algebra in his celebrated "Tohoku paper".

Stephen SMALE
(Amerika Serikat)
(University of California, Berkeley)

Topik Penelitian: Worked in differential topology where he proved the generalized Poincaré conjecture in dimension n>=5: Every closed, n-dimensional manifold homotopy-equivalent to the n-dimensional sphere is homeomorphic to it. Introduced the method of handle-bodies to solve this and related problems.

Medali Fields 1962

Penghargaan Medali Fields tahun 1962 diberikan kepada :

Lars HÖRMANDER (Swedia)
(Stockholm University)

Topik Penelitian: Partial differential equations. Specifically, contributed to the general theory of linear differential operators. The questions go back to one of Hilbert's problems at the 1900 congress.

John Willard MILNOR (Amerika Serikat)
(Princeton University)

Topik Penelitian: Proved that a 7-dimensional sphere can have several differential structures; this led to the creation of the field of differential topology.

Medali Fields 1958

Penghargaan Medali Fields tahun 1958 diberikan kepada :

Klaus Friedrich ROTH
(University of London) -

Topik Penelitian: The approximation to algebraic numbers by rational numbers. Proved that a sequence with no three numbers in arithmetic progression has zero density.

René THOM (Perancis)
(University of Strasbourg)

Topik Penelitian: Invented and developed the theory of cobordism in algebraic topology. This classification of manifolds used homotopy theory in a fundamental way and became a prime example of a general cohomology theory.

Medali Fields 1954

Penghargaan Medali Fields tahun 1954 diberikan kepada :

Kunihiko KODAIRA (Jepang)
(Princeton University)

Topik Penelitian: The theory of harmonic integrals and numerous applications to Kählerian and more specifically to algebraic varieties. He demonstrated, by sheaf cohomology, that such varieties are Hodge manifolds.

Jean-Pierre SERRE (Perancis)
(Collège de France) -

Topik Penelitian: The homotopy groups of spheres, especially in his use of the method of spectral sequences. Reformulated and extended some of the main results of complex variable theory in terms of sheaves.

Medali Fields 1950

Penghargaan Medali Fields tahun 1950 diberikan kepada :

(University of Nancy)

Topik Penelitian: The theory of distributions, a new notion of generalized function motivated by the Dirac delta-function of theoretical physics.

Atle SELBERG (Norwegia)
(Institute for Advanced Study)

Topik Penelitian : Generalizations of the sieve methods of Viggo Brun; On zeros of the Riemann zeta function; Proof of the prime number theorem (with P. Erdös), with a generalization to prime numbers in an arbitrary arithmetic progression.

Medali Fields 1932

Penghargaan Medali Fields tahun 1932 diberikan kepada :

Lars Valerian AHLFORS
(Harvard University)

Topik Penelitian: Covering surfaces related to Riemann surfaces of inverse functions of entire and meromorphic functions.

(Amerika Serikat)
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Topik Penelitian : The Plateau problem which is concerned with finding minimal surfaces connecting and determined by some fixed boundary.

Medali Fields: Nobelnya Matematika

Medali Fields (The Fields Medal) merupakan penghargaan utama dalam matematika, yang kadang disebut sebagai hadiah nobelnya matematika. Ssst... ada gosip yang beredar: kenapa matematika tidak termasuk salah satu bidang yang diberi hadiah Nobel? Katanya sih karena istri Alfred Nobel dulu pernah berselingkuh dengan seorang matematikawan, gitu. Namanya juga gosip, boleh percaya boleh tidak.

Penghargaan ini didirikan oleh JOHN CHARLES FIELDS. Pada Januari 1932 meski ide penghargaan berasal dari kelompok matematika Perancis, Jerman, Italia, Swiss dan Amerika Serikat. Medali Fields diberikan kepada matematikawan yang usianya tidak lebih dari 40 tahun. Medali Fileds pertama kali diberikan pada Kongres Internasional tahun 1936. Penghargaan diberikan setiap empat tahun sekali. Oleh karena perang dunia, penghargaan ini sempat terhenti dan diberikan kembali tahun 1950.

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